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Complete Guide to BKLYN Fitness Protein Products

Research continually demonstrates that protein needs tend to be greater in active individuals (especially those who engage in regular resistance training). Therefore, BKLYN Fitness protein powders are a great supplement for helping active individuals meet their protein needs.

This guide will teach you exactly what protein is, how it’s produced, its benefits, and how to choose the best protein powder.


What is Protein?

Protein is an essential macronutrient for building skeletal muscle, among a myriad of other vital functions, such as neurotransmission, energy production, cardiovascular function, and immune system regulation. Protein is also necessary for maintaining fluid balance and transporting nutrients in and out of cells.

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and can be combined in various ways to form different functional proteins in the body. One of the primary uses of amino acids in the body is to synthesize structural proteins that make up tissues such as muscle and skin. Amino acids are also involved in the synthesis of peptide hormones such as growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), and insulin.

Protein, in nature, comes from both animal and plant sources. Animal sources are considered ‘complete’ proteins (which contain all nine essential amino acids), whereas vegetable/plant sources of protein generally lack one or more of the essential amino acids. Essential amino acids must be provided through diet as the body doesn’t produce them on its own.

What is Whey Protein?


Whey protein is the most bioavailable protein for humans. It is a complete protein that contains a large proportion of the key amino acid L-leucine. Whey protein concentrate is one of the most common supplemental forms of whey protein, made by ultrafiltration of whey (a byproduct of cheese production). Whey protein concentrate also usually contains small amounts of lactose, fat, and micronutrients.


Benefits of Protein Powder



Since amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, and muscle tissue is largely protein, BKLYN Fitness protein powders serve as a superb way to support muscle tissue growth and repair.

Research corroborates that the amount of the amino acid L-leucine in a given protein source has direct impact on the intensity of muscle protein synthesis after consumption. For example, BKLYN Fitness whey protein contains a large proportion of the amino acid L-leucine compared to other protein sources (such as chicken breast); thus, 20 grams of pure whey protein powder stimulates muscle protein synthesis to a greater degree than 20 grams of chicken breast. Naturally, more muscle protein synthesis will promote better muscle tissue growth and repair.

Furthermore, consuming high-quality protein powder confers many benefits beyond just body composition improvements. See below for a comprehensive list of BKLYN Fitness protein powder benefits.



● Lemon, P. W. (2000). Beyond the zone: protein needs of active individuals. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 19(sup5), 513S-521S.
● Felig, P. (1975). Amino acid metabolism in man. Annual review of biochemistry, 44(1), 933-955.

● Rudinger, J. (1976). Characteristics of the amino acids as components of a peptide hormone sequence. In Peptide Hormones (pp. 1-7). Macmillan Education UK.
● Hoffman, J. and Falvo, M. (2004) ‘Protein – Which is Best?’, Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 3(3), 118-130.
● Li, F., Yin, Y., Tan, B., Kong, X., & Wu, G. (2011). Leucine nutrition in animals and humans: mTOR signaling and beyond. Amino Acids, 41(5), 1185-1193.


Overview of Protein Powder Benefits:



● Increases the anabolic response (and recovery time) after diligent resistance training
● Complete protein sources, especially whey and casein, are ideal for stimulating muscle tissue hypertrophy (growth)5
● Helps reduce sarcopenia (muscular atrophy/shrinkage due to aging)
● Enhances immune system function in active individuals
● Preserves muscle mass during aerobic/endurance activities
● BKLYN Fitness protein powders are rapidly absorbed/digested and easy on the stomach
● Protein powder is simple and convenient to add to one’s diet, especially when on-the-go

How protein powder is produced

Depending on the type of protein, there are several membrane filtration methods typically used to purify/filter the product, such as microfiltration or ultrafiltration. After being filtered, the protein is spray dried and microencapsulated into powder. The resulting powder generally has a gritty texture and bland, sometimes unpalatable taste. Thus, flavoring and texture enhancers are usually added.

When to Take Protein Powder



For active individuals, consuming whole food protein can be tough when on-the-go or when preparing a meal isn’t an option. Therefore, our protein powders are best to use whenever you need a convenient, high-quality source of protein to add to their diet.

Furthermore, research shows that consuming protein powder (especially whey and casein) before and/or after resistance training can significantly enhance repair and growth of muscle tissue.


How much protein should I use?



Research is ongoing as to how much protein is optimal (especially in active individuals). In general, research contends that at least 1/2 gram of protein per pound of your body mass is sufficient. For example, if an individual weighs 180 lbs, they should aim to consume about 90 grams of protein per day.

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